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Do You Know Jesus?
Jesus Came to Save
Jesus came to set the captives free. He came
not to destroy men's lives, but save them. Jesus died to
deliver humanity from sin and the devil. The only way
to be delivered is through Jesus Christ. His death at the
cross made a way for all humanity to escape. Hell is a
place of torment. Heaven is peace and joy. Jesus came
to bring eternal life to us if we only believe in Him as
our Lord and Savior. The devil is out to steal, kill, and
destroy us. Jesus came to give us all power over him.
It's Time to Come to Jesus
Joel 3:14 - 'Multitudes, multitudes in the valley
of decision.' Souls are in the balance hanging between
life and death, heaven and hell. Jesus came to bring life. The devil brings death. God loves us. He loved us so much that He sent Jesus to the cross. John 3:7 - Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ We all must be born again through Christ to be saved. 1 John 3:1 - 'Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!'
The Good News
Jesus came to give us life, and life more abundantly
(John 10:10). The devil wants to steal that from
people. He attacks the thing closest to God's heart: humanity. Jesus went to the cross to deliver us! The blood of Jesus Christ was shed for salvation. Eternity is forever. The good news from God the Father is that anyone can be saved and born again, meaning you become a child of God with all your sins forgiven the moment you confess 'Jesus is Lord' with faith in your heart and the confession unto Him to accept Him into your life. 'It's by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God' (Ephesians 2:8). God is waiting on the whole world to come to Him.
Reality Check
The world has become wasteland in sin. Humanity has taken itself to its lowest degradation that it can. This is a harsh reality we don’t like to focus on, but God requires we give it attention with His love. Who will hear the Spirit of God’s cry? He is shining the light of Christ in the midst of darkness. It took Jesus going to the cross to introduce a covenant powerful enough to transform humanity from darkness to light. Just think of all the sins committed on the earth since the beginning of time. The blood of Jesus Christ washes them all away no matter how wicked or vile. We are nothing in this world without Christ. The love of God is supernatural and beyond human intellect and God longs to share it with every single person born upon this fallen planet.
Everyone Who Calls on the Lord Will be Saved
God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). Jesus said in John 6:37—”He who comes unto me, I will
in no wise cast out.” He is the only way to be saved. Romans 10:11 says, “Anyone who trusts in Him will
never be put to shame.” God is inviting everyone unto Himself. God’s love is eternal. It is unconditional. It
reaches into the darkest deepest places anyone can be in
and rescues them. Mercy triumphs over judgement
(James 2:13). Jesus said in John 12:47, “For I did not
come to judge the world, but to save it.” God is full of
mercy and forgiveness. He’s waiting to lavish it among
those who will turn to him and choose to love Him. Mark
12:30—’Love the Lord your God will all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your mind and with all
your strength.’ But to those who refuse His love and
mercy are lost and deceived. Jonah 2:8—’Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.’ God loves everyone to the point He put His Son on the cross for them. God is just patiently waiting. Where will you go for eternity? It's time to come to Jesus!
Call upon the Lord today to be saved!
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